Privacy Policy

Last Updated: July 15th, 2023

At Techwrap Entertainment, we believe in your right to be informed about our practices and understand how we collect information from our users. This privacy policy aims to provide transparency by explaining the types of information we collect, how we collect it, and how we use and protect that information. We will update the "last updated" date whenever changes are made to this policy.

1. Types of Information We Collect:

a) Personal Information:

We only collect personal information with your explicit consent and approval. This information may include your IP address and Advertisement ID, which are automatically collected when you install a game/app or visit our website. Please note that we do not store or process your credit card information. If you make purchases within our apps, Google or Apple handles your credit card information, and we do not have access to it.

b) Non-Personal Information:

We also collect non-personal information, which is anonymous data tied to your computer and/or device. This information helps us improve our services and includes data such as usage patterns, device IDs, geographical information, game progress, time spent playing, scores and achievements, IDFAs, IDFVs, Advertising IDs, IP address, country code, time zone, session start/stop time, SDK version, timestamp, language, network status, browser plug-in types and versions, technical device information, and other relevant non-personal data that aids in enhancing our services.

2. Use of Information Collected:

We utilize the information we collect about you and your device for the following purposes:

3. Disclosure of Information:

We will not share Personal Data that directly identifies you with independent third parties without your consent unless required by law or deemed reasonably necessary to enforce our rights, property, or operations, or to protect our players or third parties. However, we may share anonymous or aggregated information, or other non-identifiable data, with third parties for targeted advertising purposes.

4. Third-Party Analytics and Advertising Services:

We utilize the following third-party analytics and advertising services:

5. Children's Privacy (COPPA Compliance):

Our services are not directed towards children under 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect, store, or use any information from users under 13. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). If we identify a user as a child under the prescribed age, we will promptly and securely delete any personal information associated with that user.

6. GDPR & CCPA Compliance:

While using our games, you may be asked to provide consent for personalized advertisements and enhanced user experience using your IP address and other identifiers. If you choose not to provide consent, your information will not be processed, potentially resulting in a diminished user experience.

7. Push Notifications:

With your consent, we send push notifications to your mobile device to provide game activity information, service updates, and promotional messages. You can manage push notifications by adjusting your device's notification settings.

8. Transfer of Information Overseas:

Your data and information may be transferred and stored on servers located in various territories, including but not limited to Australia and the United States of America.

9. Deletion of Information:

We will delete your data as soon as it is no longer necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

10. Security:

Techwrap Entertainment implements appropriate security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, loss, and misuse. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security online and offline, as the Internet is inherently prone to risks. We encourage you to exercise caution when sharing your information online.

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy is subject to change, and we may modify it as necessary. We recommend reviewing it periodically to stay updated on our practices.

12. Contact Us:

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact Techwrap Entertainment at